Thursday, July 27, 2006

Bad News Day

Last night we had a meeting with the contractors letting us know of impending lay-offs. We were told that if we were going to be laid off that we would receive a call in the morning. I did not receive that call so I went to work believing my job safe at least for another week. After being at work for several hours several contractors were called in to a meeting with the contractor supervisor and told we were being laid-off. This is a rough time for us. Unlike last time where I had 28,000 dollars to fall back on we have no savings left from the last lay-off. Please be praying I find a permanent job soon.I still have the job at Sears but even if I can get full time hours there it will not pay all the bills.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Please forgive me if I seem to be a little down today. Today it seems no matter what I do I have a heavy heart. I am not normally a lighthearted person so it comes across as quite pensive and morose. Why today of all days I am missing my son I do not know but there it is, he has been on my mind most of today. I imagine I will have days like this for the rest of my life. The wondering of what could have been. For all I know it could have been Birdie putting the crib I never put together in storage that got to me. I think that the reason I could never get around to it was the permanence of that action. Strangely I am reminded of something Yeshua said and somewhat of a reminder of why He came.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
John 10:10 NASB

It is the last part of the verse I am reminded of. Yeshua came that we might have life and have it abundantly. In that life is hope. Hope of many things, new beginnings, dreams fulfilled, and wounds healed. I am reminded that life is to be lived to the fullest and not be concerned about what is to come because He has it under control. I am reminded that Samuel is with Him and living life more abundant than I can dream.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Does Yeshua Still Speak to His Children?

I don’t know but this question might be worthy of its own post. Please understand I’m quite serious even if the question seems flippant on the surface.

How does one distinguish between a “voice” of one of the godhead and schizophrenia?

One commenter mentioned that it would not be different than what was said in the Bible. If that is so, and the Bible contains sufficient information and instruction, why would anyone need direct revelation? Why do so many direct revelations given to individuals contradict each other?”

After asking for some clarification Res sent me this.

“Good point. What I meant was; I've heard men say: "God gave me a message to say to you... therefore do thus” But then a week or a month latter the same man will get up and say "God told me to say...." and it will require a different action in contradiction to the first message.

This type of situation is even more confusing when co-pastors have contradictory revelations that are given to them by God. Or so they claim.

Right now I hold the belief that God doesn't speak to men individually. I believe that the Bible holds the information we need to come to a knowledge of salvation and righteous living. I do believe that God will give man a sense of peace about a decision or open doors in response to prayer or providing a leading into how we should live. I just don't see evidence of Him providing audible instruction to individuals or direct revelation to a church through one man.

When Jerry Farwell says "God told me to tell you if we don't raise millions for this church, He is going to take me home on such and such a date" and then the day comes and goes, the message isn't from God and if we followed the OT we would stone him for speaking presumptuously in God's name.

I said right now I believe, because I'm open to changing my mind on the topic. I think what I'm looking for is a clear-cut way to know if it was God speaking. If an individual could explain how they know it would be interesting. In the Bible it was common for the prophet to confirm his message with a supernatural sign like the hour hand on the sun dial moving backwards etc. Modern prophets seem to not be able to do this.”

Lets tackle the basic foundation here, and by doing that it will allow me to agree with Res on a point. When it comes to salvation, reproof, and instruction the Scriptures are all we need. The Scriptures are the foundation of all that we do and if we are not in line with them then we are outside of His will. So the question is why does G_d still reveal Himself to people on an individual basis.

Before we answer that question we should find out if there is a Biblical precedent for prophecy in our modern age.

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Acts 2:17 KJV

I think that this is sufficient precedent to make the case that G_d will speak to His children in a number of ways even after His Word has been completed. All of these things prophesy, visions, and dreams are all methods of direct revelation G_d has used in the past. There is also precedent for G_d falling silent such as the 400-year period between Malachi and when Jesus was born.

Now I have been involved with each of these three kinds of revelation either personally or from something I was told by another believer. I personally have been told a number of things about the church here in America’s future that would count as prophecy, My wife has had a vision that lead to her healing, and a brother I know told me of a prophetic dream he had that was the source of comfort and reconciliation in his church that went through a couple of rough years. If he gives me permission I will share it with you. It was an amazing dream and story.

With that answered lets take on the contradictory statements issue. I too have a problem with the issue that seems to primarily come from the Pentecostal churches. These types of revelations that change from month to month need to be tested against the Word. It is important that any revelation not contradict the Word first off. The second point is that rarely are revelations given one day that will be countermanded by a second revelation that contradicts it. If it does then you may want to consider the source something other than G_d. Which brings me to the point that G_d is not the only one who can give visions, dreams, and prophecies. The Enemy is very clever and can provide some very convincing false revelations. If two pastors of the same church have differing visions then you can be assured that at least one of them is false. The enemy loves to sow dissention and confusion. What better way than to deceive the leaders of a local church. The Jerry Falwell incident is a perfect example of a man using his influence to dupe gullible individuals into doing what he wanted. I his case it could be easily argued that G_d never worked that way. Yeshua does not work through fear and intimidation. I think it would have been

How do we know that what we have heard is from G_d and not from our own over ambitious minds, or from the enemy? It is often not that easy, other times such as G_d giving me my calling or my wife’s vision it was extremely clear who was talking. With my wife’s vision it was a dramatic direct answer to prayer. It made it clear that G_d was taking the fear in her life and he indeed was holding onto her just as she asked. Now G_d talking to me nearly caused a wreck as I was driving at the time. It was a clear audible voice telling me that His bride had forsaken him and directing me to study what He had done to His children in the past when they forsook Him. As to spectacular supernatural events accompanying prophecy that is just not as common as it would seem to be. While He has performed some amazing supernatural feats they do not accompany most prophecies, as the proof of their veracity was to be the fulfillment of that prophecy. If my understanding is correct that the true measure of a prophet was his perfect accuracy.

I wish that it was easy to know when someone is indeed speaking in G_d’s name, but the only way to know is to be diligent and study. Make sure you do not just take one persons word for it, check it against the scriptures, but this is important to do no matter what is said by anyone teaching in G_d’s name. I think that the scriptures are clear that He has, He does, and He will talk to His children. He does so in a number of ways and it never will contradict what His established Word says.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Luke Asks a Not So Simple Question

“Could you please distinguish between these three phenomena:”
1) The voice of your conscience.
2) The influence of the Holy Spirit.
3) The voice of Yeshua that you heard.

Luke just seems to like to come up with the easy questions. :)

I will give my best educated answers for what they are worth. Just remember my answers are free so take them or leave them, as you will.

1) In a simple answer your conscience is that inner part of your soul that knows what is right and what is wrong, your own personal moral compass so to speak. In most people it is developed enough that they at least heed it when they know they are doing something wrong, other people seem to have no conscience whatsoever. It is a simply a part of us because G_d created us with it. The problem is it is easily influenced by our culture and the fact that our conscience is as fallible as we are.

2) Now the Holy Spirit is a totally different thing. The Holy Spirit is the Third Aspect of the Godhead. Do not ask me to explain it. Some of the best theologians have a hard time explaining it effectively. It is one of those things I think we are not meant to completely understand until we are with Him. The Holy Spirit can be considered the active aspect of G_d in our world. He is constantly prompting Christians and wooing those who do not believe yet. The Holy Spirit will deal with each person individually as He knows what each person needs. His voice is often the quietest and will manifest the most when we are still and listening for it. Still you know without a doubt He has moved upon your life.

3) The third is the hardest. This is where I can come off and look like a complete raving lunatic. The voice of Yeshua, or G_d was a clear distinct voice in my head. It was full of love and full of power. Not all Christians will ever hear that voice before they die. I felt unworthy of the task set before me, and hope to show myself approved when it is done. The message seemed a little cryptic in that He would not tell me everything only those things I needed to know. I have reiterated them a number of times on my blog so I do not feel the need to go over it again at this time. Now people like Robert or Omar will simply say I am delusional and I am hearing voices, but if that was the case why would my delusional mind wait years between the first time and now when I surrendered to the call. The first time I heard that voice I was plain scared and ran.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Message For Luke

Life along with death is not a simple thing. You have an upbringing to overcome that is difficult to say the least. I do not pity you at all; In fact I feel the desperate love that Yeshua has for you. It has nearly brought me to tears several times while writing this. I too came from essentially an atheist home, although I am not sure it was as multi generational as yours. I know I have a great or great great grandfather who was a circuit preacher. I know my father was dismayed that his two oldest sons forsook atheism in favor of knowing the Living-G_d.

Faith is not a normal thing. I know that I try to present a logical argument for the existence of Elohem, Yahweh, or G_d (whichever you want to call Him), but the fact of the matter is that faith involves something more than logic. In fact faith is illogical. (I know Robert would like to hear me say that.) Faith requires that we do the one thing we cannot, that is to let go. It does not matter what it is we are holding on to we have to let go. For all of us it is a daily struggle that is why I talk about dying unto ourselves and that it is a process. Many Christians talk about the free gift of grace and indeed it is free, but faith is another issue. Faith and I mean true faith, the kind of faith that says if G_d commanded you to jump off off a cliff you would do so, that kind of faith costs us our life. The good news is the Jesus said he came to give us life and give it to us in abundance. When we are willing to give our life to Him an amazing transformation happens. I wish I could explain it clearly, but it is hard as each person has a different encounter with Him, but I do know that when you do, you will have no doubt as to whom it was.

Winds of Change

Can you feel the pains in life?

Wrapped around you like they're chains
Restricting all your dreams
Do you wonder if there is a way?
A way to set you free
Set you free

So tell me all your dreams
Tell me all your fears and what you're longing for the most
It's not another way
That'll end up the same for it's under my control

Do you feel the winds of change?
Soon this weight will fall away
And take you to a place
Only found through these winds of change
A breeze that's new and free
New and free

So tell me all your dreams
Tell me all your fears and what you're longing for the most
It's not another way
That'll end up the same for it's under my control

I'll be the one who you can cry to
The one who will give you wings
I will give wings
Someday we'll sail away
Mounted up on wings like eagles
We will run and will not fade away

So tell me all your dreams
Tell me all your fears and what you're longing for the most
It's not another way
That'll end up the same for it's under my control

I'll be the one who you can cry to
The one who will give you wings
I will give wingsThe one who will give you wings
I will give you wings
To set you free
The one who will give you wings
I will give you wings
To set you free
The one who will give you wings

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Golden Rule Is It Relativistic?

“Well, secular humanists are frequently accused of being moral relativists by evangelicals, (as if this is an insult). The implication is that without God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, one has no moral compass, so they create ethical/legal castles on a foundation of sand.

I think that Christians too face this dilemma, along with the rest of us. Even if you believe that the 10 Commandments were actually meant to apply to Gentiles, then there is still no absolute consistency in the interpretation of those rules. Consider stealing, for example, as in stealing bread from the mouths of decadence. It’s all muddy when you mix it with human law, but it is inevitable to mix it with human law. That is why we stone people to death as they leave the Red Lobster every night.

Or, better, consider killing. Some Christian men would conclude that killing the enemy in war is absolutely immoral, like Cain killing Abel. Other Christians would praise God and pass the ammo.

But now the Golden Rule, that is explicit. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Make a moral decision about your actions based on your own point of view. This is explicitly morally relativistic. And it was commanded by your Lord Jesus.

So, when I hear an evangelical deride others for being a moral relativist (much less a nihilist), then I point out that sand is under everyone’s feet.

Sand is what happens to concrete when rain, wind, moss, and light have finished their work.”

Luke (thimscool)

Alright here, I promised Luke I would write on this. Jimmie has given his answer I will give mine. You see my friends what happens when things are taken out of context.

7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
9 "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?
10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?
11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Mathew 7: 7-12 NIV

When taken in proper context with the supporting verses and in the context of the complete verse itself you can see that it has nothing to do with moral relativism. The supporting verses talk about giving good things and that the Father is capable of giving even greater things. The golden rule sums this up by talking about looking at our own lives and seeing the good things that we would want in it and to treat others accordingly. The verse itself I think is more telling in the defense that the golden rule is not relativistic because it specifically points to the fact that these verses sum up what the Law and the Prophets (scriptures) said. The whole of the books of the Law and the Prophets (our Old Testament) can hardly be described as being relativistic.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

In His Hands

My friends I do not talk much Birdie’s and my past, I think it is about time. This is about Yeshua's provision and healing for Birdie. To understand you will have to know a little bit about my wife. She has told me it is ok to tell you so I will try my best here. For several years my wife suffered with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) it was bad enough that she dreaded touching other people, washed her hands with bleach to the point that they would bleed, these were just a couple of things that she could not help doing or feeling. To make things worse I was to say the least, unsympathetic. Now OCD is related to fear, and from all I have learned it cannot be “cured” it can be controlled but not “cured”. Birdie prayed fervently that G_d would take the fear away and hold her in His hands. So one day we were driving back home from a day in Ft. Smith, AR when G_d gave her a vision of her falling into a giant loving hand and the fear that wracked her life was gone permanently. She has not had a problem with the OCD since that day. I grow constantly amazed at people who tell me He does not exist. It is moments like this that bring clarity to our lives and remind us that He truly does have us in His hands.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ask A Question And Eventually You Will Receive

Roland asked me a question a while back and I never really got around to answering him. I think I owe him an answer. The question had to do with a certain story in the Bible about a centurion named Cornelius. For those of you who are not familiar with the story here it is:
Acts chapter 10

His question to me was: Did I believe that Cornelius was saved before he met Peter or after? It is a very good question. After reading this passage I asked myself another question: Is it important to know when Cornelius was saved? The immediate knee jerk reaction was to say no, but then I prayed about it and let G_d answer the question for me. As sometimes happens I did not get an immediate answer. (This is His way of saying “Chill, it is My hands”) Well to be honest I had forgotten all about the question until today when G_d answered me on the way to work.

The answer was another question: Why would I instruct Cornelius to seek out Peter and bring him to his home if he and his family did not need to hear the message about My Son? It started me thinking. Cornelius was a good man in all respects, but he lacked a true relationship with G_d because he had not at that time accepted the atoning sacrifice of Yeshua. Cornelius was doing everything in his own finite mind to please the G_d he knew existed, but his own efforts would never be enough. G_d knowing this and being pleased with Cornelius provided a way for him to hear the message of Yeshua’s sacrifice, and gave him the opportunity to accept it. He and his family did. I could go more into the other side of the story involving Peter, but I think that is for another time.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Come Play With Me

The other day Ditto was out weed eating the back yard (doing my yard work for pay) when my ever rambunctious dog Remington walked over to the outlet unplugged the trimmer and the brought Ditto his ball so that they could play fetch.