Tuesday, January 09, 2007

THR3E a Review

THR3E was the first Ted Dekker book I had ever read. From that point on I have been a Ted Dekker fan. So when Foxfaith films made a movie out of this book I was stoked. I have been waiting for some time to see this movie and it was worth the wait. I will be honest this is not your typical “Christian” work. It is a suspense thriller and has rated a PG-13 rating because of it's intensity and subject matter. If what you are looking for is a remake of little house on the prairie or anything in that type of genre then you are looking in the wrong place.

I thought the adaption from the book was very well done. While there were some differences they were mostly due to setting and the addition of a character not in the book. All in all the story was kept the same and you were able to see what his point was. It is hard to write a complete review without revealing plot lines for those who have not read the book, but I will tell you that even with knowing the end I was riveted throughout the entire movie. I will have to say again it was very well done, and I heartily recommend this movie.

I do have one gripe about the story and how a part of one of the character's past was handled. In attempt to show systemic abuse, homeschooling was depicted in a very bad light. While this was in the book the fact that the character was schooled at home was an afterthought. In the movie it seemed to be almost a focal point. It may be that as someone involved in homeschooling and having had to deal with the issue, Birdie and I may be more sensitive to this issue than others, but it is still there and we think it could have been handled differently with the same results.
