Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Luke Asks a Not So Simple Question

“Could you please distinguish between these three phenomena:”
1) The voice of your conscience.
2) The influence of the Holy Spirit.
3) The voice of Yeshua that you heard.

Luke just seems to like to come up with the easy questions. :)

I will give my best educated answers for what they are worth. Just remember my answers are free so take them or leave them, as you will.

1) In a simple answer your conscience is that inner part of your soul that knows what is right and what is wrong, your own personal moral compass so to speak. In most people it is developed enough that they at least heed it when they know they are doing something wrong, other people seem to have no conscience whatsoever. It is a simply a part of us because G_d created us with it. The problem is it is easily influenced by our culture and the fact that our conscience is as fallible as we are.

2) Now the Holy Spirit is a totally different thing. The Holy Spirit is the Third Aspect of the Godhead. Do not ask me to explain it. Some of the best theologians have a hard time explaining it effectively. It is one of those things I think we are not meant to completely understand until we are with Him. The Holy Spirit can be considered the active aspect of G_d in our world. He is constantly prompting Christians and wooing those who do not believe yet. The Holy Spirit will deal with each person individually as He knows what each person needs. His voice is often the quietest and will manifest the most when we are still and listening for it. Still you know without a doubt He has moved upon your life.

3) The third is the hardest. This is where I can come off and look like a complete raving lunatic. The voice of Yeshua, or G_d was a clear distinct voice in my head. It was full of love and full of power. Not all Christians will ever hear that voice before they die. I felt unworthy of the task set before me, and hope to show myself approved when it is done. The message seemed a little cryptic in that He would not tell me everything only those things I needed to know. I have reiterated them a number of times on my blog so I do not feel the need to go over it again at this time. Now people like Robert or Omar will simply say I am delusional and I am hearing voices, but if that was the case why would my delusional mind wait years between the first time and now when I surrendered to the call. The first time I heard that voice I was plain scared and ran.