Yeshua is Real
My friend Roland mentioned something over at another blog I frequent. I will not link to it because an atheist runs the blog in question. While I as a general rule have no problem with atheists his site is not for the feint of heart. Roland was curious about my encounters with Yeshua. Shortly after that another person I have been conversing with (Luke) expressed interest in my encounters as well. I sure hope I do not disappoint people because it is not as spectacular as you would think.
I do not talk about it much because even in Christian circles I get looked at very strangely, mocked, or downright ridiculed. These encounters are why I know beyond a shadow of a doubt He is real. I wish I could say that it was something spectacular like Moses’ burning bush but it was not. The first encounter was quiet, restful and a sensation of the most overwhelming peace and love I have ever encountered. He did not talk to me then, that is not what I needed. After the first time He talked to me I ran for about ten years from what He was asking of me. It was a quiet voice but powerful. There was no denying who was talking to me. It scared the crap out of me; I wanted no part of it. I was content to live my life with my little family and not be interjected into things I did not understand and did not want to know. All I have to say is I do not recommend running after He has called you. The hounds of Hell have nothing on the hounds of Heaven. He was relentless in His pursuit no matter how far I tried to run He was there cajoling, pressing, and loving. Once I gave up the cat and mouse game with G_d He started telling me He wanted me to be one of His prophets for this time. I was impressed with his sadness over His church. His church has lost its first love and He wants her back. He will do whatever it takes to bring her back to Him, even if it means that he scatters the church to the wind. I fear the repercussions of this. In the past when G_d did this to Israel He all but destroyed them. My job is to prepare those who will listen for this time in hope that a true awakening will happen and the purging will be unnecessary.
I do not think that my encounters with the Living G_d are all that unusual, but my church background is Baptist and they seem to have a disregard for anything in the supernatural realm, heck they would balk at my prophet status. The reason that I do not think my story is all that unusual because my wife has talks with G_d on a much more regular basis that I and He has given her a vision that have not only comforted her, but had been the basis for healing in her life.
Yet the supernatural is not just the realm of G_d. The enemy is there as well and the one vision I have had was part of a lie to get me off of the true path. Once a person is saved Lucifer has no real power over that person but he can still work his deceptions. When I had the vision I thought it was from G_d and I nearly followed it. It promised of a great ministry with lots of glory. The thing I did not realize was that the glory in the entire vision was mine not once was Yeshua lifted up it was always me. That is what G_d used to show me it was not from Him.
Missing In ACTION
I am not sure if you have noticed it or not but Birdie has been MIA for a while. Don’t worry she is doing just fine. As a mater of fact her feeling good has been the reason she has not been around. Since finding out that she has diabetes her eating habits have changed drastically. She has lost more than forty pounds in the past couple of months and has I would say 100 times more energy than she had just two months ago. The boundless energy has kept her busy and away from the computer. She now has a hard time even sitting at the computer long enough to read my blog. I will have to say I am reaping the benefits of a wife who is feeling better and has ALOT more energy. ;)
P.S. I would ask people to be praying, I am looking for ways to expand my ministry; right now it is pretty much contained to the blog world. I am looking at something right now but I want to know it is G_d’s will not just my own fanciful thinking. Thanks
I Love My Children
Well I do not know about you but I had a wonderful Fathers Day. It started out the night before when I got home from work. My Children in all of their excitement could not wait to give me their gifts. I got a book, a couple of DVD’s and the new album from Kutless “Hearts of the Innocent”, and a new hip quiver for my archery hobby. I look forward to using it as I had been just sitting the arrows on the ground. I hated the bow-mounted quiver that came with the bow. It was good for hunting because it kept the arrows quiet, but it was hard to get a new arrow and I am pretty sure my quarry will not run away if I make a little noise.
On fathers day I laid around in bed most of the morning, and then we went to see “Cars”. That is one hilarious movie. If you have not seen it go even if you do not have children. A good story is just that a good story. “Cars” will be a classic and will be one of those movies we will own on DVD when it comes out.
I really like the new Kutless album; so far my favorite song is "Shut Me Out".
"Shut Me Out"Tell me something I don't already knowI know that you can't stand these things I'm preaching in the streetsBut how can I contain the truth I hold inside With all the hurting people that I see so I don't mindPutting up with you, and all the things you sayI'm not about to stop or even change my ways [CHORUS:]There's nothing you can sayThat will take me away from this lifeThere's nothing you can do To shut me up when I'm speaking the truth You may not like all I have to sayBut you can't prove that everything is filled with empty wordsI know my life and inside how I've changedA testimony to the truth I speak, so I don't mindPutting up with you, and all the things you sayI'm not about to stop or even change my ways
[CHORUS:]There's nothing you can sayThat will take me away from this lifeThere's nothing you can do
To shut me up, to shut me out when I'm speaking the truth There's nothing you can sayThat will take me away from this lifeThere's nothing you can do To shut me up when I'm speaking the truth
There's nothing you can sayThat will take me away from this lifeThere's nothing you can do
To shut me up, to shut me out when I'm speaking the truth
Science, Trolls, and the Wonder of it All
While doing my usual perusal of my blogroll the other day I ran across some interesting comments from a commenter over at Triton’s place. She was obviously someone who felt that anyone who was a Christian was stuck in the dark ages and did not have any enlightened thinking. I was quite amused at the time. I was amused enough to leave a couple of snarky comments. I am not normally like that but I felt like a little bit of humor was called for, as the title of the post was “Lord, save us from the Californians”. She was very clear on her belief that science and Gnostic philosophies were the path that we should follow and that Christianity was just a big lie. To Triton’s credit he went out of his way to provide detailed counterpoints too her naked assertions and blatant misrepresentations. I am not sure I would have been quite so patient with someone who was proving to be a troll.
One of her naked assertions was that Christians had no real understanding of Science. I would say that Christians for the most part have at least a basic understanding of science and Earth’s place in the total universe. For me it just increases my adoration of Him. His creation is vast and it just shows what kind of power He has. To think that with that kind of power he would even bother with one little speck of dust that our planet is in this vast universe is humbling. He could have just wiped the slate clean and started over; instead He provided a way for us to be reconciled with Him. That is the kind of love that deserves worship.
International Blogroll Update
I have a couple of blogs I read that are from places other than Here in the United States and it is about time I added them to my blogroll.
Pablo is the Evil Squirrel that runs Attitude Central in the Great White North of Canada.
Morris writes his musings from the Land Down Under in Australia.
The Way
Birdie has a friend who runs an e-mail loop sending out information on matters of government and Christianity. She is a wonderful sweet woman, but sometimes I wonder if she reads everything she sends out, and if she does, does she believe it. Most of the stuff is conspiracy theory or expositions of one form of heresy or another. While my calling as a prophet is to preserve that which is true, and I think that is what the writers in question are trying to do, I think that many of these people are missing the mark. It seems to me that based upon what I have seen from these writers is that if you do not follow every tenant of their denomination you are a heretic and an unbeliever. How do they know they are right?
The thing is that there is only one way. Yeshua is that way. He said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no man would come to the Father except through Him. It is a shame that some have turned that to mean something more than what it says. It has become the Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, or whichever of several hundred denominations you wish to insert are the way. It grieves me to see this. Yeshua made it clear how we as individuals are to get to the Father. It is simple, why do we make it so hard?
Our Tax Dollars at Work
Sometimes I read something that just leaves me shaking my head and thinking, “What were those idiots thinking?”. I read this story over on WND a couple of days ago and almost burst at the ineptitude of our Secret Service. How could anyone with half a mind think that these gospel tracts are anything other that what they are? They are cleverly designed to catch the eye, and at first glance resemble our current currency, but if someone could actually think they are real money then they deserve all the ridicule they would receive. I think that this would include those people in our government who are persecuting this ministry.
I Stand Corrected
“It has nothing to do with us. There is a popular Christian song with the title, "What Can I do For You My Lord." We can do nothing for God. In reality, God works out His will through us. I has nothing to do with us as all.My problem is that I want to help God. I cannot help God because if I were to assist, it would never be perfect. Can I make a difference in the world or make a difference in my life or make a gesture toward God that He has not already prepared me to make?I am here to do the good works that He has prepared for me to accomplish before the foundation of the world. Maybe if I sat back and enjoyed the ride I would find more contentment in my relationship. Instead, I want to be the one in control and I know where that leads, in the wrong direction.I know what you mean, and it comes from our Judeo Christian work ethic from the 1500's. The problem is: we can not work for God, He works through us.”
Jimmie has a good point, but then what are mentors for? I think maybe my last question was not worded correctly. The first two were definitely more about an evidence of Yeshua in our lives and somewhat redundant. The third had to do with our willing submission to His will. The fourth, in retrospect, while looking like a good question to ask could be construed the way Jimmie saw it. The real question should be: Are we dying unto ourselves each day, taking up our cross, and following Him. Is it evident in our lives that we have submitted to Him and doing whatever it is he would have us do. In a sense giving up our selfish desires to do His will and become the instruments for His plan he meant for us to be? Jimmie is right our own pathetic attempts will only meet with eventual failure, but if we allow Yeshua to guide our moves and submit our will to His we can do miraculous things. BTW if you have not been to his blog it is definitely worth the time to read what he has to say.