So You Say There is a Storm Coming…
What are we to do? First and foremost seek the Father’s face, learn His will for you in these times. All of us have a task set before us. All of us need to be preparing our families. This is the most important task. All others fall by the way side if we fail our families. I myself have been remiss for too long in this duty, and one I am now working on correcting. Yeshua made it clear that our families will be important when the time comes. They will be the ties that bind us together and our support when we feel weak. We prepare our families by getting them in the Word, knowing what we believe and why, memorizing as much scripture as we can, and above all helping each other grow in our personal walks with Yeshua.
Once our families are prepared we must be open to whatever call He has on our lives. Each person in His remnant will have a calling. Some will be simple and may simply be to raise your family in the way they should go, others will have complex callings that will change from time to time. Some will be called to teach and preach, others to sound the alarm and prepare the way. Some will be called to suffer and even give their lives as martyrs. I pray that Yeshua will not have to move and purge the church of the infection, but I also pray that he not stay His hand longer than necessary.