Monday, February 27, 2006

The Rising Storm

I have been watching and praying a lot lately and I am becoming more and more convinced of something. We are sitting the on the edge of a vast change in how the church is seen over the world, especially here in the United States. Our churches are becoming weak because a very well crafted lie has been spread throughout Yeshua’s church. I have been agonizing over this for some time because I do not wish to know what I know. Yeshua is weeping over the state of his church and has decided to act. He is staying His hand for now because He wishes for those who are caught up in the lie to see the light and come back to their true love.

There is a remnant of the redeemed right now, He is gathering them and preparing them to boldly speak the message that His judgment is coming if we do not repent of our wicked ways and return to Him. He has shown me His heart on this and he knows many will not follow, being content to hear a false gospel that makes them feel good for now without true understanding of the eternal cost to their souls, or the temporal cost to their lives when the time of trial comes.

The church in America will know the persecution of our forefathers. For the ones who have placed their faith in Yeshua it will be a time of the refiners fire and our faith in Him will grow and our love deepened, but for those who have no foundation when the fire comes they will be consumed, they will curse G_d because they think they have been forsaken when their fortunes and lives are gone, their faith crushed because they put their faith in the things of this world and gaining more of them than in following Yeshua, taking up the cross, and dying unto themselves.

My heart is grieved and heavy because of this. I would much rather go on living in bliss, not knowing what is in store for us if the church does not return to it’s first love. I know this is a heavy topic, but it is the message He has laid upon my heart. I thought when he told me I was to start learning that it meant that I would have to find a teacher to teach me, I was right in one regard that I needed a teacher but not on the subject I first thought. I am not even sure how to put this. Time is too short now for a “formal” type of education, not because the trial will be tomorrow, but because it will take time to gather the remnant and for the remnant to spread the message. For some reason I cannot fathom He has chosen me, maybe it is to confound the wise and those stuck in the lie, I do not know, but I do know I am to be a leader of some kind. For now I am looking to gather an on-line remnant to pray and seek His face. We will need guidance and strength in the months and years ahead of us, I will tell you we will be ridiculed, reviled, hated, imprisoned, and some will even lose their life. Remember these are all things Yeshua said would happen to us, but no matter what the world does the world cannot take us away from Yeshua and if we die then we will go to be with Him. I pray that we will all remember when the time of trial comes.