Nobody Likes A Prophet
All I have to say is I am glad that I am not in the business of making people happy. I am doing a very poor job of doing that right now. I have not been posting much here but I have been around and commenting here and there. It seems that either I am too legalistic like Morgan’s True Christians™ or I am a heretic because I don’t toe the line on whatever particular doctrine I need to be following. You know what? I could care less. I answer to no one but Yeshua.
In some ways I expected this. I knew that my conservative approach to reading and interpreting what the Word says would rile those who are more permissive and liberal in there thinking, but I also saw that some hardliners would have a problem with my approach to dealing with the lost. Most hard-line Christians take an almost militant approach to evangelism that is off-putting to most people. The more liberal, permissive, and tolerant groups are more appealing to the average man, but often these groups sell the love of Christ while excluding His holiness. I find myself in the position of finding the truth in the balance of these extreme views.
Yeshua was far more complex than most people wish to see. For those who are more liberal they see the loving, compassionate, tender Teacher. The more militant see the hard, truth preaching, confrontational Leader. The truth is He is all of these things and more. The thing is He took the approach that was needed at the time with each individual. He had a keen understanding of the human condition, and an in-depth knowledge of the Scriptures. He should after all, He is G_d. He could spin the religious leaders of the day on their heads with how He would deflect their traps, and then turn around and show such love and adoration to the simplest person seeking Him.
Being a just and holy G_d, He cannot abide us while we are lost in our sin, yet He has what could be described as an almost desperate love for us as His creation. He set forth a plan to reconcile our sinful nature to His holy nature. He became one of us, He lived among us, and He died for us. Through His shed blood He provided a way that his Holy justice that demanded death as the penalty for sin would be satisfied. He then did the unthinkable; He conquered death. Three days after his death He arose from death and now sits at the Father’s right hand. With His death and resurrection He provided a way for us to approach Him. All we have to do is accept the gift. Be warned though accepting this gift is a life changing experience.
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