Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Lessons From Arrows

Learning archery has been very interesting. One of the things that I am learning is how to choose the proper arrow. This is one thing I never anticipated. I thought most arrows were pretty much interchangeable. I was very wrong. The right arrow for your bow is almost as individual as each person’s bow set up.

One of the most important factors in choosing the proper arrow is “spine”. This refers to how ridged the arrow shaft is. The thing is that an arrow that does not have enough spine will flex too much and not have a good trajectory and if one is real weak it could break as it leaves the bow and cause all kinds of problems. Based on that statement you would think that an arrow with a lot of spine would be good, sort of the more the better, but that is not the case. An arrow with to much spine will leave the bow and will not flex enough sending the arrow shooting in the wrong direction, usually down. So a good arrow should have enough spine to hold up under pressure but not so much that it will not flex properly when pressure is applied during the release.

When I was reading this I could not help but think that there was a parallel here with our walk with Yeshua. In our daily walk we need to be grounded and strong in our faith by reading the scripture. This will keep us from breaking when times get tough and the pressure is on. Yet we need to be sensitive enough, in our prayers, to that still small voice to recognize when He is leading us in a certain direction. Our lives are filled with pressures all the time and he will use them to fulfill His love if we are sensitive enough to heed His call.