Monday, March 13, 2006

I Love My Dog

I got a call on my cell phone here at work tonight. It was my oldest son telling me that he thinks we have a rattlesnake in the backyard. I can hear in the background Remington going nuts in the yard. I ask him “are you sure we have a rattlesnake?”, and he goes on to describe the snake to me including the fact that it’s tail is rattling. OK this is not good. I work an hour away, and a lot can happen in an hour including my dog getting stupid and getting killed. I trust my children to stay far enough away to not get bit. Here I am telling my son that he needs to get Remmy into the garage. My thinking was that, as soon as the snake felt less threatened it should leave. Ditto is then telling me that Remmy goes even more ballistic if he (my son) goes out there because Remmy seems to know that this particular snake is dangerous and is trying to protect him from the snake. This is why I love my dog. The closer Ditto got to Remmy meant the closer my son got to the snake. Remington would then get more aggressive with the snake if my son tried to come toward Remington to get the dog to safety. I am convinced that Remington would have risked his life to protect my son and tried to kill the snake had my son actually tried to get Remmy out of there. Fortunately, while I was talking to Birdie things quieted down in the backyard. Apparently the snake saw an avenue of escape and did so.