Monday, March 13, 2006

A Disturbing Trend

All of us have noticed the reduction in the amount of clothing young women are wearing today. I unfortunately get a huge overdose of it every weekend while I am working at Sears. Some of the stuff they wear today would have been considered lingerie just 5 years ago. The gap between the top of the pants or skirt and the bottom of the shirt is getting wider. Well this trend has followed into maternity clothing. It is hard to find clothing for a pregnant woman with out it being of the “belly bare” variety. I went looking at our local Wally World and could find nothing that could have been considered modest for Birdie. Well don’t think children don’t notice this either. Birdie was looking at some advertisement from a baby formula manufacturer she got in the mail and all of the pregnant women in the add were wearing the “belly bare” clothing. Puddleglum was cuddled up with her (as best any child could be cuddled up with a mom who is 8 months pregnant) at the time and remarked “Those ladies don’t know how to wear their shirts anymore?!!”