Tuesday, January 31, 2006

She Lives!!!

At least she is feeling well enough to write. Birdie Is back.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Prayer Request

Ever since the last round of the flu bug around our house Birdie has been struggling with a sinus infection that has kept her quite down. Of late this has also been affecting her blood pressure. Please keep Birdie and the baby in your prayers. For those of you who know the blood pressure thing is a serious issue.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen We Will Now Return to our Regularly Scheduled Broadcast

I am through with going over to The Harbor and discussing this issue. All parties involved are in the wrong to some extent or another. They are entrenched in their own worldview and will not listen to a voice of reason. After some fervent prayer I was directed by the Spirit to these two posts by Patrick Mead and my prayers were answered. The first is called “Proving it…” and the second is “Who Makes The Call”. I have done what was expected of me and it is now His time to work in the lives of the parties involved.
This is my view on things after I waded through this morass:

Brother Randy Haney has his heart in the right place in wishing to start an outreach ministry to the lost in his community including the GLBT community. But he seems to be blinded by friendship to the problems presented by Rev. Wendy Bailey. This is a shame because if it were not for Ms. Bailey I could support this ministry.

The SBTC while not blinded to the problems with Ms. Bailey was wrong in how they handled this problem. Instead of quietly allowing the church congregation to choose to go with the vision of their pastor and leave the SBTC because they were in violation of the SBTC by-laws, or to choose to stay in the SBTC and pursue new leadership; they were voted out of the convention without the ability to make that choice and publicly humiliated.

Finally we get to the Rev. Bailey. Regardless of the protests by Bro. Haney and herself she and her beliefs are at the center of this controversy. Once she finally showed up to the debate I was able to ask her several pointed questions on her views. To be fair they are the same questions her detractors had been asking. If she had answered the questions in the manner Bro. Haney seemed to indicate she would I would be writing a much different post today, but she was evasive and accusatory of my motivations. Basically in doing so she supported her existing writings, which I have posted in the previous post. Her discomfort with the thought that certain actions the Word adamantly explains are sins because society currently condones those actions disqualifies her from being in a leadership role in ministry of this sort. She cannot be objective enough to head up a group dealing with a very sensitive issue.

I am done. I will not go back. It is in the hands of Yeshua.

We will now return to our regularly scheduled broadcast…

Friday, January 20, 2006

A Little Clarification on a Dirty Shame

Rather than rewrite this post I am going to paste the letter I sent to Jimmie on this matter. I have had a little more time to reflect and look at the matter. After this careful consideration I had to modify my position a little from my initial post.


You are probably not as surprised as I am to find out that you know the people involved. In that light I have some questions concerning all of this.

My only uneasiness in this whole incident is the position of the female pastor (Wendy Bailey) in this. From my reading on this she seems to have no problem with homosexuals continuing in their “relationships” even after they have received Jesus as their savior. Maybe I have read something incorrectly, but that is what I have concluded in my limited knowledge of this lady. My problem is that this is encouraging sin and the Word does not mince its words on the subject of homosexuality.

I have no problem with this ministry on its face value. We should all be striving to reach all people in their sin, and I truly believe this was Bro. Haney’s intention, but I think he may have chosen the wrong person to partner with in this effort. I will tell you why in a moment. I also know the convention leadership handled this in an unbiblical manner, and are wrong for their legalistic view on these matters, all in the attempt to distance themselves from anything that may make it seem like they endorse the homosexual lifestyle.

Ok, why do I think Bro. Haney made a wrong choice? This falls under my non-essential doctrine philosophy. Basically that all the denominations should set aside non-essential doctrines to work with each other in cooperative efforts to spread the gospel. The thing is that under this philosophy if the Word says unequivocally that something is as sin there is no wiggle room for debate and if someone claims otherwise then it is tantamount to heresy. This is my only issue with the whole affair on Bro. Haney’s side. Was his refusal to disassociate with the ministry in question reason enough to ostracize the whole church without a fair hearing? It was most definitely not. It should have been brought before the local church elders and the congregation to see if they wished to continue the partnership with Wendy Bailey and Eklektos.

Just so Wendy’s possition is clear this is quoted from Tom’s Blog from the quote from Wendy’s blog.

“I realize that many people differ on the Biblical interpretation of Scripture surrounding issues of homosexuality. My hope is that Eklektos will minister within that controversy and seek Christ in the midst of it. I acknowledge that even the most faithful Christians can disagree over whether homosexuality is sinful — Randy and I differ on that issue — but this ministry is here to reach people who are typically ostracized and hurt by the Church, and to offer them a loving and non-judgemental community in which to seek Christ and grow in discipleship. Even if we all agreed that homosexuality was a sin, should a church require gay and lesbians to be celibate or “convert” to heterosexuality? No. Not anymore than the church should require divorced people to reconcile, wealthy people to divest their money from companies that promote unrepentant consumerism, or gluttonous people to go on diets.” Wendy Bailey
The emphasis added is mine.
I am probably rambling on about this now. I know that Tom and yourself are close to this issue because Bro. Haney is your friend so your inclination is to rush to your friends defense, and you should, I will be right there with you concerning how the convention handled this issue, but I cannot defend his decision to work with Wendy Bailey based upon her own words.

In His Name,

A Dirty Shame

Sometimes I see something and look at it at its face value and never see the story behind the one reported. This time I got to see the real story. As I regularly do I went over to Jimmie’s to see what pearls of wisdom my mentor has dispensed when I read this. Reading that post led me over to Tom Cotter’s to see the rest of the story. I will post the article first then Tom’s comments. Please go read them before you read any further. I will wait…

Baptist Press Article
Tom’s First Post
Tom’s Second Post
Tom’s Third Post

… I am glad to see you are now back. Are you as mad as I am? I hope so. I got so flustered I could not ever comment coherently.

Ok, for those of you who did not go read the posts here it is in a nutshell. The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention removed a church from its rolls because the pastor is “affirming, approving, and endorsing homosexual behavior”. If that were all there was to it I would be saying good on them. But that is not the whole story. That is the story that the SBTC is sticking to because it is politically expedient. Basically this is the real story; Bro Haney and the church he pastors have been disassociated from this convention because he crossed denominational lines, worked with a female leader of a different church, and started a ministry to reach out to a particular group of sinners. The big sticking point seems to be that this particular female leader does not think that homosexuality is a sin. Ok, now if you have not read the posts and the article please go read them now. It will give you a clearer picture.

Why am I writing about all of this, when others closer to the story already are? I am writing about it because it ties in with my calling. Why I am so upset is that these people are trying to reach sinners where they are and bring them to Yeshua. We do not come as spotless lambs to him but as dirty, rotten, wrecked, and any other sundry adjective you wish to add sinners. All of come to Him in that condition, we are no more spotless that the homosexuals they are trying to reach. I am quite convinced that Yeshua would have been right there with Bro. Haney and the others involved in this ministry outreach. We have a duty to reach even those who we would deem the most unlovable and show then the true love of the Messiah. We all have our sins and flaws, the fact that the particular sin in this case is the dreaded sin of the day; homosexuality is the only problem here. No one sin is greater than another in G_d’s eyes, each one keeps us from him, because is perfection cannot abide our imperfection.

I ask you to say a prayer for these men in the SBTC as they have lost their way and have been blinded to a real need because they seem to be afraid of getting their hands dirty and show the real love of Yeshua.


After some considerable discussion with Birdie I have had some things in my mind settled on this subject. First I had some qualms about the woman “Pastor” involved in this. This is not because she is a woman, but because she unequivocally claims that homosexuality is not a sin. This is not just a difference in opinion along the lines of whether or not the person in question is a practicing homosexual or if the person is celibate. She “feels” that they have no need to stay celibate. This does change my view a little. Brother Haney is not completely left out of the blame here. He chose to work with a woman that has questionable biblical beliefs and that is what I think he did wrong. Starting a ministry to reach homosexuals is a good thing and he may have had pure motivations but he chose the wrong person to work with on the project. Now I still believe the convention handled this wrong and should be held accountable for their wrongdoing, but I can at least see the problem they have with Bro. Haney teaming up with someone that has very divergent views on this issue.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

All the Angels Rejoice

In a previous post Andrea commented on, she informed me of some VERY GOOD NEWS. I waited to see if she would write about it herself, but as of now I see no mention of it so here is what she said:

"I'll see yall there :) I've learned about the simplicity of this faith all over again, as my husband recently repented and accepted the gift of salvation. It's an answer to prayer. We serve a faithful God!" Andrea

Praise Yeshua! Glory unto His Holy Name! Hallelujah!!

Where Have I Been

I have been a number of places in my life incuding out of the country but here is a map of the states I have been to.

Thanks, Difster.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Better for You

This one is for Digital Cowboy, seeing as how he loves lyrics. It is somewhat of a lyrical answer to Janet who so thoroughly attempted to trash DC over his decision to continue loving his wife even though she left him. The Song is titled “Better for You” by Kutless.

My decision can not be put off again
I see the right choice but my heart is filled with dread
It all seems backwards in my head, my head

I know it seems too wrong to be right
This way is so much harder to fight
But in the end I know it is true
This way is better, it's better for you

Choose a little pain and gain a life with joy
Accepting pleasure now will earn a life of pain
It all seems backwards in my head, my head

I know it seems too wrong to be right
This way is so much harder to fight
But in the end I know it is true
This way is better
It's better for you, for you

Sometimes I wonder why it's this way
When it's done the burden is gone
This discomfort will be taken away
As soon as it's over, it's over for me

I know it seems too wrong to be right
This way is so much harder to fight
But in the end I know it is true
This way is better
It's better for you, for you

The Paradox of Believing

Have you ever wondered how we look to the rest of the world? Can the world see a difference in us or are we just another person in the crowd? My friends we have a peculiar faith. Just think about it.

We believe that a loving and benevolent Creator created us perfect. In our perfection he gave us a free will so that we could truly love Him back. With our free will we decided do the one thing he commanded us not to do and sin entered His perfect world. The penalty for sin that imperfection He cannot tolerate is death. In His perfect wisdom and love He set forth a plan to bring us back and cover our sin in a perfect way and restore in His sight our perfection.

Does this not just sound like the stuff straight out of a children’s story? Yet it is the simple explanation of our faith, the basic understanding of what he did and why. I see in my minds eye the crucifixion of Yeshua and start to recoil at the absolute horror our Lord went through yet at the same time I am comforted by the extreme act of love he did for me in staying on that cross when the easiest thing for him to do would be to get off of it and walk away. He could have decided it was not worth it and walked away, destroyed his creation and started over. It is within his power to do so, but he chose not to. There is also comfort in knowing that through this act of self-sacrifice he conquered death and the permanent expulsion from His presence we are due because of our rebellion.

The paradox is that it is for the most part it is so simple a child can understand it and realize that it just takes a simple faith; yet we as adults try to make it complex. We add rules; guidelines, doctrines, and anything else that makes the gift look more complex than it is in reality. Why do we do this? It does not add to the message, it dilutes it in ways we could not begin to understand. The answer lies in our sin nature. It rejects the simple because we know our nature is complex and out of hand tends to reject the simple solution to what seems like a complex problem.

Oh, how I praise Yeshua for what He did, and that he made the way to our salvation and eternity with Him so simple. Will you join me there?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

NFL Divisional Playoffs

Blue = win
Red = loss

Washington at Seattle: Seattle
New England at Denver: Denver
Pittsburgh at Indianapolis: Indianapolis
Carolina at Chicago: Chicago

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Site Updates

If you have not noticed I have done a little sprucing up of the ol' blog here. I have personalized it a little (not quite what I want yet but close. I would like to make the picture the background on my header I just have not been able to figure it out yet) and I have organized my links. I have added a family and friends section (That does not mean those not in it are not my friends only that you have not reached the in person friend stage), Alphabetized the blogs I read and added a section for those who have gone away and I hope to see again one day.

I have also added a couple of links. Pebble Chaser and The Antenna are my latest additions. I have been meaning to add them for some time, but just had not gotten to it until now.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Christians and Abortion Part 2

As I discussed in my previous post “Christians and Abortion Part 1” people attempt to use the Bible to justify a position in favor of abortion. I first discussed the application of G_d creation Adam in this light now I would like to point out the error of using Exodus 21:22-25 as a defense stating that G_d places a lesser value on an unborn child.

22 "If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows.
23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life,
24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

22 "If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she gives birth prematurely, yet there is no injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide.
23 "But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life,
24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,
24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

Now this is almost more of a stretch that Genesis 2:7. The basic premise of those who support abortion is that the child is killed in the accident, and that any further harm is based upon the mother not the child. This unfortunately is only applying current western thinking to these verses. In the Hebrew culture the sanctity of life was never questioned and the further harm part was actually directed at both mother and child. This also fits in context of the verses around it discussing injury resulting in death being punished by death and injury not resulting in death being punished by fines and restitution.

To often we look at scripture in our own understanding and look for what we want to see not for what is actually being revealed by G_d. It is a sad commentary on the current state of our churches. Our enemy rejoices in the victory he gets when scripture is twisted to make it fit what we want it to say and as long as we continue to look at scripture for what we can selfishly get out of it he will continue to win.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

NFL Wildcard Playoff Picks

I did fairly well here during the regular season. Now is when the rubber meets the road. Lets see how well I do when we have the good teams playing the good teams and when everthing is on the line.

Blue = win
Red = loss

Washington at Tampa Bay: Washington
Jacksonville at New England: New England
Carolina at NY Giants: NY Giants
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati: Cincinnati

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Somehow This is Wrong

I saw this article while perusing the news (something I admit I have not done much lately) and my first reaction was this is just not right. A group of Christians want to build an amusement park where Yeshua taught and performed miracles in Galilee. There is just something sacrilegious about building a park for fun on a site that should be revered. As I read further I found who was behind this and was not too surprised. Pat Robertson, the same man who just claimed that Ariel Sharon’s stroke was a judgment from G_d for wrongfully dividing the land of Israel, heads the group up.

Ok???!!! Let me get this correct Pat Robertson claims G_d struck down a man for giving land to the Palestinians, but has no problem with building an amusement park on what is considered by many as holy ground

On a related note to the article the author has not idea what he is talking about in the last paragraphs of the article. He gets it right up until the last sentence and then uses that as a springboard to quote an Israeli official that is against the proposed park.

“The primary reason is that according to the Old Testament, Israel was given to the Jews by God. Fundamentalist Christians believe that in order for Jesus to return, two preconditions are Jewish control of the land of Israel and the conversion of the Jews to Christianity.” (emphasis mine)

I have never seen a precondition that states the Jewish nation has to convert to Christianity before Yeshua returns. It does mention 144,000 converted that are to become worldwide missionaries, but no mention that the conversion of the state of Israel is mentioned.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Reality Blogging Challenge Part 1

Now for a little fun. Birdie has tagged several bloggers including myself with telling the world how they would survive if they were ever stranded on an island. I gave a lot of consideration to the parameters she gave whether it was an inhabited or uninhabited island; or whether or not you had family there. Now I know that if I had my family there I would be thinking way long term as in making a new life and never coming back. I might miss some of my electronic toys like the computer but I think that if I could just make a living providing food and shelter for my family on an island that would suit me just fine. Seeing as how the idea is to get back to civilization I would have to have an incentive to get back so in this case I would be on my own.

I have apparently washed up on shore with only the items I have on hand. Where I got them from I am not sure but here is my list:

A Bible (slightly soggy as are all the books)
Apologia General Science Student book
“A Boy’s Own Handibook”
“If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”
Any G. A. Henty or L. M. Montgomery book (As I am not sure how any of these books would help me other than a good read or kindling any will do.)
Two slightly overdue library books of your choice, but you must name them! (As I was considering reading for my trip to a remote known island for some missionary work, I chose a book on tropical vegetation and one on tropical geology)
A pocket sewing kit including all of the usual items (i.e. six one yard spools of hideously colored thread, two oddly-sized buttons, two needles, two safety pins, a needle threader that will break the first time you use it, a tiny pair of scissors guaranteed to give you hand cramps, but not guaranteed to cut anything, and a plastic thimble that will not fit on the finger of anyone above the age of nine)
One package of chenille stems, and/or pompon balls.
2 glue sticks (half used and more than half dried out).
A plastic recorder
Some kite string
A cheap, but only slightly broken Swiss Army knife.
An Optic Wonder
A really ugly sweater
A copy of Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

First and foremost is securing a source of food and fresh water. Second is locating a place to make a shelter most preferably a cave but lacking that fine piece of real-estate I would look into finding what I would need for tools to make a shelter. With my soon dried out book on tropical vegetation I should have no problem locating edible fruits, tubers, and other plants. This will suffice until I can rig things up to trap animals and fish. Fresh water is a bigger concern. Depending on the size of the island it may have ponds and or small streams. Seeing as there is vegetation in large quantities I will have to assume there is some source of fresh water. Also large vines when cut can be a source of water, it does not taste all that good but will suffice to prevent dehydration. So I do not get lost while looking for my water source I will use the compass in the optic wonder and the knife to make markings on trees to mark my path back to my base camp. In order to make life a little more pleasant I will assume that I find a steady stream that will suffice for my drinking needs.

Now that I have provided for the basic needs in food, water, and shelter I need to “flesh out” the diet a little by getting meat into it. This can be accomplished in a couple of ways. The easiest would be to fashion a crude fishing pole and make fishing lures from the sewing kit. If I have patience I could also fashion a crude net by unraveling the sweater and using the yarn to make it. This option would be time consuming, as I have no experience weaving nets. Given time I could fashion traps to trap the local fauna. Now all of this meat would require fire. I have the perfect tool in the optic wonder as long as I have some sunshine. I also could fashion a fire-starting tool using some sticks and some of the kite string for days that are cloudy.

This is all fine in that I am sure I could survive for a long time if need be with these simple steps but the ultimate goal is to get home.

I will post about how I would work on actively getting myself rescued on the next post for this challenge.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

NFL Picks Week 17

A little late so you will have to trust me on the first two.

Blue= win
Red= loss

Denver at San Diego: Denver
N.Y. Giants at Oakland: N.Y. Giants
Arizona at Indianapolis: Indianapolis
Baltimore at Cleveland: Baltimore
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets: Buffalo
Carolina at Atlanta: Carolina
Cincinnati at Kansas City: Cincinnati
Detroit at Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh
Miami at New England: New England
New Orleans at Tampa Bay: Tampa Bay
Seattle at Green Bay: Seattle
Houston at San Francisco: Houston
Tennessee at Jacksonville: Jacksonville
Chicago at Minnesota: Chicago
Washington at Philadelphia: Washington
St. Louis at Dallas: Dallas