Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Paradox of Believing

Have you ever wondered how we look to the rest of the world? Can the world see a difference in us or are we just another person in the crowd? My friends we have a peculiar faith. Just think about it.

We believe that a loving and benevolent Creator created us perfect. In our perfection he gave us a free will so that we could truly love Him back. With our free will we decided do the one thing he commanded us not to do and sin entered His perfect world. The penalty for sin that imperfection He cannot tolerate is death. In His perfect wisdom and love He set forth a plan to bring us back and cover our sin in a perfect way and restore in His sight our perfection.

Does this not just sound like the stuff straight out of a children’s story? Yet it is the simple explanation of our faith, the basic understanding of what he did and why. I see in my minds eye the crucifixion of Yeshua and start to recoil at the absolute horror our Lord went through yet at the same time I am comforted by the extreme act of love he did for me in staying on that cross when the easiest thing for him to do would be to get off of it and walk away. He could have decided it was not worth it and walked away, destroyed his creation and started over. It is within his power to do so, but he chose not to. There is also comfort in knowing that through this act of self-sacrifice he conquered death and the permanent expulsion from His presence we are due because of our rebellion.

The paradox is that it is for the most part it is so simple a child can understand it and realize that it just takes a simple faith; yet we as adults try to make it complex. We add rules; guidelines, doctrines, and anything else that makes the gift look more complex than it is in reality. Why do we do this? It does not add to the message, it dilutes it in ways we could not begin to understand. The answer lies in our sin nature. It rejects the simple because we know our nature is complex and out of hand tends to reject the simple solution to what seems like a complex problem.

Oh, how I praise Yeshua for what He did, and that he made the way to our salvation and eternity with Him so simple. Will you join me there?