Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The War on Christmas

I have been contemplating this subject for some time especially in light of my employment a Sears. Sears / KMart are the chief offenders in the refusal to admit what this holiday season is all about. The area I work in covers the lawn and garden area, which includes the Christmas decorations and Christmas trees. These are the only things that will get mentioned with the word “Christmas”, no place else in their advertising is Christmas mentioned. This is all to set up what happened the other day at work.

Even though Sears will not mention Christmas I make it a habit to wish the customers I work with a Merry Christmas. This is something I hold to on an almost religious fervor, I have even been thanked by a customer for acknowledging Christmas. A couple of days ago I am finishing up with a customer and wishing them a Merry Christmas when I hear from behind me a small accented voice say “you can’t say that.” I turn around and say, “Excuse me?” and the “twerp” repeats, “you can’t say that.” First off, this is not a manger he is one of a group of people at work I call the twerps*, and I have seen no written policy that states an associate cannot say Merry Christmas. I am now waiting for a manger to tell me I cannot say it. I am almost itching for a fight, because I will refuse to stop wishing customers Merry Christmas. They will have to fire me to get me to quit saying it. Then the real fight will begin, because then I will have a case for religious discrimination. I am willing to use the same venues the secular progressives use to destroy Christmas to protect the right of people to say Merry Christmas.

* The twerps are a group of teenage to early twenties kids who work in my department and are there only because the job pays more than fast food. To be honest if one of these near hoodlums came up to me and asked if I needed any help I would tell them to go get one of the adults to help me. (I know this is not very Christian of me but every time I get near one of these “kids” who have not worked a hard day in their lives I get quite disgusted)

After receiving an e-mail from the AFA I have found out that Sears is backing off of it’s anti-Christian bias. They are going to be putting up Merry Christmas signs in their stores. WoHoo!!!!!!!!