Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Answers Part 2

Here are the answers to the second half of my questionnaire. Questions 6-9 are directly tied to my calling and of utmost importance to me.

5. What are the roles of the pastor and deacon within a local church body?

This is something I am still studying. My concepts could change as I study this, but I will answer to the best of my knowledge at this time. Initially the local congregations had a pastor or teacher or priest whatever you wish to call him. The problem he was swamped with everyone wanting him to do something for them. This was causing problems with the pastor’s ability to teach the scriptures, as he had no time to devote to study of the scriptures. The solution was the creation of the office of deacon. The deacons were to be the servant leaders of the local church body freeing the pastor to study and serve the church by teaching.

6. How do you see the different spiritual gifts mentioned within the Bible and are they still used today?

There are allot of spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible. Each one has a purpose to further the goals and aims of Christ. Now the hard part is for people to grasp that they all are still in use today, this coming from a Southern Baptist point of view. The teaching that all the gifts are not used today because we have to Word is one that I cannot swallow.

7. In the Bible, Jesus mentions that those that follow Him will do the things He has done and greater things. What is your take on this?

This question is sort of a follow-up of question #6. And almost is not needed If I get a positive answer to that question. This is sort of a challenge to see if a pastor still believes in the supernatural workings of G_d and whether or not he believes they still happen today. As to my beliefs If you have read many of my posts you will know my position on this.

8. If you find a discrepancy between what the denominational convention says and what the Bible says, which is more important to you?

You would think that this would be a no-brainer type of question, but it is sad that many a pastor or preacher will not take the Word as the final authority in a matter. Many times I have had even lay people confess that one denomination’s teachings are more important than another’s, even if it sacrifices what the Bible say’s is true.
This question also has some meaning to me in my belief that each denomination is there for a purpose and that this understanding should be a uniting factor for the denominations.

9. Have you or has your church been through the “40 days of purpose”? Do you follow the teachings of Rick Warren?

This is question where the rubber meets the road. I have posted some on this already and the best place to read what I have to say on this is here.

10. What is your position on Biblical education? Do you think it is a requirement that a minister go through seminary or are alternative methods acceptable (such as mentoring)?

This question is mostly for my benefit and not an exclusionary question. I believe that there should be more than one method of obtaining a ministry status or gaining the education needed, mainly because each calling is different. The idea of seminary and Bible College is not a bad one and for many people a profitable route, but that is not the case for all people. I think that the more Biblical approach is one of mentoring, and has been illustrated on many occasions within the Bible. That is the path I am taking and I would like to know that a pastor supports that approach