You Asked for it, You got IT
Joelle asks, “What is the importance of #9? Just curious.”
Joelle, you certainly know how to open a can of worms. I will try to make this as short as I can as I do not wish to get too deep into theological issues I am not yet prepared to battle. I have alluded to a cancer or if you will (as Jimmie puts it) a virus that is infecting the church and growing rapidly. I have mostly alluded to the “church growth movement” when I have talked about these things.
The ““40 Days of Purpose” program is part of the Purpose Driven Life and Purpose Driven Church teachings of Rick Warren. Rick in his teachings has introduced a marketing scheme to grow the “church” which totally denies the sacrificial atonement of Jesus and incorporates pop psychology, and elements of the New Age Movement. People are all too willing to buy into his teachings because they are all about building self-esteem and meeting “felt” needs. He plays a good game and on the very surface what he teaches looks good, but if you scratch the surface and truly look at what he teaches you will see the deception. He preys on the fact that people do not want to be told they are sinners and tickles their ears with what they want to hear.
So you can see why this question is so important, when a good portion of my ministry will be to be one of the instruments that G_d uses to warn His church of the enemy within. I need a home base that is not entrenched with the enemy.
I know there will be some people who read this and want to fight with me on this. I will not engage in any argument concerning Rick Warren at this time, as I am not ready. To be honest I am jumping the gun a little just mentioning it. I want to be able to logically and Biblically show the fallacies in Rick’s teachings and I have not been able to form all of those arguments yet.
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