Saturday, October 29, 2005

Theology Pair Flips Out

I read things like things like this article on WND and wonder how it is that these people are news worthy. Then I remember this is just what the people want to hear. People taking the Word and corrupting the meaning to fit their particular worldview, and not letting the truth of the Word change them to conform G_d’s view.

“James L. Crenshaw, professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School, questioned Scripture's authority to govern matters of sexuality – the Old Testament text, he argued, was written over 12 centuries under a variety of shifting circumstances. It is the reader, he argued, that determines the text's meaning.”

It is amazing that the Word is consistent in its teachings on sexuality considering the amount of time that it has been written over, and the changes in culture through that time period.

While agreeing that homosexuality is forbidden in passages of Leviticus, Crenshaw said those prohibitions should not be taken as the final word.”

WHAT????? If the Word is not the final word on these matters what is? I was going to comment more but I just keep getting upset. I know I will have to work on this but for now read what my mentor had to say on this.

“Read this and check out how subtle the professors are with their
interpretation model. They use an interpretation model where the individual believer interprets as they choose.

This sounds right to many people concerning the idea of the priesthood of
the believer. The problem is that the interpretation must come form the other direction, from the understanding of the author and the original understanding of the original hearers. The difference is inductive verses deductive study methods. The historical/Grammatical method of interpretation is essential to keep from reading our own thoughts into the text.

We want the text to speak to us from the historical setting and the grammar
of the text as well as from the culture from where it came. It is only logical to conclude these men are more interested in reading a western mindset into the text, which is insidious to understanding the authority from the Biblical text itself.”
Jimmie Kersh