Tuesday, October 04, 2005

On Heresy

“That doesn't mean that we can tolerate actual heretical teachings which all, in the long run, teach we can do something through our own efforts to be righteous and make the blood of Messiah of no effect.”

My comments were never meant to imply tolerance of heresy. I stated in my first post there were certain basic tenets in being called one of His children. There are groups out there who call themselves Christian who cannot even hold to these basic tenets. These tenets are not up for argument. My post was meant to convey my dismay over the total lack of love we as believers seem to show one another when we see things differently as to how scripture is interpreted. Things such as weather or not His followers can perform miracles today, security of the believer, how one is to dress, what kind of music we listen too, or weather or not women are allowed to teach or preach are just a few of the things we argue over and use to make our claim that “our church” is better that the one down the block. Are there denominations that are teaching heresy today? Yes there are, and Yeshua (I am learning to prefer this name for the Messiah) will weed them out.

P.S. I will post soon on miracles and what I believe. I want to back up what I am going to say and find a quote from a book that has shaped some of my belief.