Friday, September 30, 2005

The Subject of Home Birth

Serena brought up the option of home birth. I think that under normal circumstances this is a great and wonderful experience. I do want Serena to know that this is not a sore spot with Birdie and I. We do have some concerns considering she has had three c-sections and some bad scarring due to the last one. (This is part of the reason we thought Birdie could not have any more children) We are praying that this one is a smaller child so that we would not have to go through the c-section route. If this one is a girl we think we have a chance that way. Her symptoms all say girl, but we won’t know until the fourth month. Birdie has had a testosterone wash through her body with each of the boys. When she was pregnant with Pookie it was totally different. Birdie has looked into this herself as a lot of her friends have done this and due to her high blood pressure and numerous c-sections she is not a good candidate for it. Most midwives will not even take her as a client. I can definitely say I am not capable of handling things if they went bad.