Sunday, October 02, 2005


I was asked what the nicknames of my children are. So I will repost them with an attempt to give some explanation for each.

Ditto: He is the oldest at 14. We had another nickname for him but he hated it and asked for something different. After much discussion it was decided that he would go by Ditto because he was named after me. The funniest thing is that in reality he is my direct opposite.

Pookie: She is my only daughter and is 10. She got her nickname because Mama felt she was too small for her name when she was born. She was convinced until she was two that her real name was Pookie and preferred to be called that until she was five.

Sneefert: He is the middle son at 7. I am still not sure how he got that name. I traveled a lot during that time and I have heard many times from Birdie how she came up with it. It is still confusing and I am not sure I could explain it without revealing his real name.

Puddleglum: He is my youngest currently born child at 4 ½. His nickname is a story, but here it is in a nutshell. He was a bit of a cranky baby and Ditto was reading the Chronicles of Narnia. The name just fit his personality.