Monday, October 24, 2005

Just Bragging

It seems that I have been posting on a number of subjects, yet I have neglected to post about some of the most important people in my life, my children. I thought I would post something about each one just to let you know I have the best children in the world.

He is my creative one. Words are tools that he uses to paint pictures. He has great stories and I look forward to one day seeing his work published. He is also a die-hard football fan, he works on creating plays and enjoys dissecting what went wrong on a particular play from the coaches perspective, and dissecting how a coach made the wrong choice in a situation.

She is my nature girl. She has been given a gift with animals. At the tender age of ten I have lost count of the number of animals of all types she has rescued. From a kitten that the mother spurned, a dying dog she coaxed into eating and drinking (saving it’s life) when no one else could, a young bird that she (with help from her brother) kept alive weeks longer than the vet said she could, to an injured baby rabbit (mother was killed by a coyote while the children watched) she kept calm until a rabbit rescue group came to get the bunny. The thing I am most proud of is how she overcame a hearing problem from an undiagnosed for over a year ear infection. Because of that hearing problem she had a hard time learning to read. She is now ahead of her peers in reading.

He is the prototypical boy in motion. I am so glad he is not in public school. He would be pigeon holed, as ADHD and nobody would see his value. He is extremely intelligent and understands math instinctively. He is an auditory learner and has talked since he was five months old (I jokingly say he started talking a 5 months and has not stopped since.) Also at seven he throws a tighter spiral than I have seen professional quarterbacks throw.

This child when he grows up is going to be a very large man. At 4 ½ he weighs more than his seven year old brother by a good 15-20 pounds. He is not fat he is just big. He is also twice as strong as Sneefert. He is very precocious and is the family clown. You can almost count on him to say something or do something to make you smile. He is also the most sensitive one when someone is feeling down and will try his best to either comfort or cheer up.