Thursday, October 20, 2005

An Epiphany

A couple of days ago I had something hit me out of the blue. An insight that some of you may already know but was stunning when it dawned on me. Most of us know that Yeshua died a horrible death on the cross and was tortured before he was placed on that cross. It was at the time the most horrible way a man could die. He boldly accepted the pain as what he must go through for His love for us. All through this there are only two incidences of Yeshua ever indicating any kind of discomfort. At one point he showed his human side by claiming he was thirsty, but the other exclamation was my epiphany. Yeshua cried out in utter agony when the sins of he world were placed on him and the Father forsook Him. You see the pain, and the shame, of being on the cross was nothing compared to G_d literally ripping a third of himself off taking on all of our sins and dying. He was cut off from what he had always known and cast into ultimate torment. Throughout the Word G_d equates death and love. To gain an insight into what He went through makes my love for Him that much deeper.