Far Above Rubies
G_d has blessed me with the perfect woman. She is more than I could have ever expected, or quite frankly deserve. Fifteen years ago she came out of the blue, I did not expect her to be the one G_d had in mind for me. I was quite content to be single for some time, mostly because I just did not hit it off very well with the fairer sex, and while I was in school I was more interested in my grades than finding a girlfriend.
G_d put her in my path and my whole world changed. She has challenged me to grow, helped me be a better man, and encouraged me in my struggles to ensure my children of their fathers love. She has done more than this over the years that I have made hard on her and quite frankly she is a saint. She has done much with the meager earnings that I bring in and made our house a home. She has sacrificed much to educate our children and I for one am quite grateful.
She is the love of my life and the only woman for me. I look forward to growing old with her.
An Introduction
I have been lurking out there on the bloggesphere for little over a year now and after some discussion with my lovely wife “Birdie” I have decided to start my own blog. Now I don’t expect there will be great pearls of wisdom coming from my corner over here but I do have my own opinions. Keep in mind they are my opinions. I have been known to be wrong from time to time, and I am willing to admit when I am wrong, but I will fight fiercely for those things I KNOW to be true.
I am a Christian home schooling dad of four wonderful children, who will be known on this blog a Ditto, Pookie, Sneefert (don’t ask), and Puddleglum. I am politically conservative bordering on libertarian.
I am first and foremost a believer and follower of my Lord Jesus Christ. I will brook no abuse of His name on my blog. This is cause for being banned for good without warning. Any other crude or profane language will receive a warning and if it persists I will ban that individual. I know this seems harsh but I wish for my children to be able to read this blog and I wish to keep it family friendly. As long as the language is kept clean I will hear any argument or dissenting voice, weigh what you have to say and then tell you are flat out wrong.
War Eagle
This is just a place to keep my profile pic.